What is PRAXIS S-10?

What is PRAXIS S-10?
PRAXIS S-10® is the fastest growing Success College For Contractors in history, founded by HVAC industry legends and innovation pioneers Jim Abrams and Terry Nicholson, in conjunction with one of the nation’s most successful residential contractors, Jimmy Hiller. This organization is the culmination of four decades of industry innovation, trailblazing leadership and world-class contracting knowledge.
PRAXIS S-10® is the fastest growing Success College For Contractors in history, founded by HVAC industry legends and innovation pioneers Jim Abrams and Terry Nicholson, in conjunction with one of the nation’s most successful residential contractors, Jimmy Hiller. This organization is the culmination of four decades of industry innovation, trailblazing leadership and world-class contracting knowledge.
Frequently asked questions.

WHAT IS A MAXIMUM YIELD A STRATEGIC MENTORING SESSION?It’s an HVAC contractor’s guide to greatness! And, a one-on-one business-building discussion with a dedicated PRAXIS S-10 team member. You'll discover how you can use field-proven principles to supercharge your service and replacement business with such force and impact that you’ll break every personal money-making record you’ve ever set!
WHY SHOULD I SCHEDULE A STRATEGIC MENTORING SESSION?The Strategic Mentoring Session is the starting point to an HVAC contractor’s roadmap to success. By scheduling a call with a PRAXIS S-10 Mentoring Specialist, you’ll discover: 1. Advanced HVAC Business Knowledge you weren’t taught at tech school. 2. An innovative HVAC business model designed specifically for contractors that want to increase their personal wealth and become master HVAC money-makers. 3. The Maximum Yield Performance Technology (MYPT) system that is responsible for building the industry’s most productive maximum-yield employees. 4. How to save “Big Time” on every item you purchase in order to operate a successful business. 5. How Freedom Won, the PRAXIS S-10 proprietary executive leadership, and front-line management development program, is helping business owners gain true freedom. And much… much… more.
WHO SHOULD SCHEDULE A SESSION?Business owners who want to line their pockets with profitable replacement sales and grow a predictable, profitable business that prints money, whether the owner is there or not, should schedule a Strategic Mentoring Session with one of our Mentoring Specialists.
SHOULD I INCLUDE MY MANAGEMENT TEAM?The information you’ll discover on a Strategic Mentoring Session is so revolutionary, participation is encouraged for any person involved with driving the success of your business. Invite your partner, spouse, office manager, service manager, or installation manager and witness their contagious enthusiasm about the potential that lies within your business. Your team will walk away from the Mentoring Session fired up knowing they NOW have the contractor’s roadmap to success to follow.
HOW MUCH DOES A MENTORING SESSION COST?A Strategic Mentoring Session is absolutely FREE! If you are an honest, hardworking contractor, you are invited to discover (at no cost to you) exactly how you can use field-tested HVAC advanced business knowledge in your own company to make a lot of money. On this call, you’ll discover the real business roadmap of the most successful HVAC business builders in United States and Canada.
WHAT'S THE CATCH?There is no catch. A Mentoring Session is our way of giving you a “Success Test Drive of PRAXIS S-10.” We simply hope you share the same vision and want to be a part of this contractor’s success group. In addition, PRAXIS S-10 pools the purchases for supplies, equipment, trucks, etc. of contractors all across the United States and Canada, building a powerful buying network battalion. This allows members to receive the lowest possible prices on virtually every item they ever need to buy. As the group grows larger, the more powerful each member becomes, and the more money each member saves!
HOW IS A MENTORING SESSION DIFFERENT FROM MANUFACTURER TRAINING?Manufacturers are good at manufacturing products. They are also good at selling you products. But what do they know about running a profitable HVAC business? If they knew how to do it, they would eliminate the middleman – YOU – keep the profits, and do it themselves. If you want to discover how to operate a REAL successful business, you should learn it from PROVEN experts doing it in the field. NO theory, just REAL contractors making SERIOUS money!
HOW MUCH IS THE INVESTMENT TO BE A MEMBER OF PRAXIS S-10?The objective is to create a HUGE competitive advantage for members. Contractors who have been locked out of PRAXIS S-10 have even stated, “members receive an unfair competitive advantage.” In addition, due to the buying power, there are members who are paid by our Vendor Profit Partners more money than they invest to be a PRAXIS S-10 member. THAT’S RIGHT! In essence, they reap all the PRAXIS S-10 benefits for FREE and get paid money to be a member. Therefore, the investment to be a member of PRAXIS S-10 is determined by many factors totally in YOUR control. The PRAXIS S-10 Mentoring Specialist will be happy to discuss your individual goals and objectives to determine the proper investment to maximize your highest R.O.I. Upon submitting an application and subsequent approval, you’ll have access to the most powerful wealth creation knowledge resource in the HVAC industry.