What is PRAXIS S-10?
What is PRAXIS S-10?
PRAXIS S-10® is the fastest growing Success College For Contractors in history, founded by HVAC industry legends and innovation pioneers Jim Abrams and Terry Nicholson, in conjunction with one of the nation’s most successful residential contractors, Jimmy Hiller. This organization is the culmination of four decades of industry innovation, trailblazing leadership and world-class contracting knowledge.
PRAXIS S-10® is the fastest growing Success College For Contractors in history, founded by HVAC industry legends and innovation pioneers Jim Abrams and Terry Nicholson, in conjunction with one of the nation’s most successful residential contractors, Jimmy Hiller. This organization is the culmination of four decades of industry innovation, trailblazing leadership and world-class contracting knowledge.
PRAXIS S-10 Profit Potential Calculator
Discover your true profit potential.
Ever wonder what the maximum amount of profit is that you could be getting out of your business? Or, if your profit is above or below the average profit for companies your size in your market? Find out in just a few easy steps!
Answer the questions below to receive a detailed Market Analysis and customized Profit Potential report for your business. See how, in as little as 12 months (with your current call volume and no additional marketing costs), your profit and revenue will skyrocket simply by applying the PRAXIS S-10 model. You will be amazed at the results!
*Results are based on full implementation of the PRAXIS S-10 business model. Results may vary based on the level of dedication. © 2021 Profit Potential Quiz | Powered by PRAXIS S-10.